Please refer the below article for installing Bigquery and its dependencies.
Now lets create a base script or service for connecting to BigQuery. Create a new file called under your project lib/helpers dir.
Example: /project/libs/bigquery/
from import bigquery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
from app.config import config
PROJECT_NAME = config.get('bigquery', 'project_name')
CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH = config.get('bigquery', 'server_secret_file')
class BigqueryConnect(object):
_credentials = None
_service = None
def getClientService(self):
if self._service is not None:
self._service = bigquery.Client(project=PROJECT_NAME, credentials=self.__generate_credential())
return self._service
def __generate_credential(self):
if self._credentials is not None:
self.__credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH)
return self.__credentials
Use this as a base class connector to all of your other scripts that needs bigquery client.